![]() |
This is the complete list of members for glo::TAllSet< T >, including all inherited members.
AbstractBaseLot() | glo::AbstractBaseLot | |
AbstractBaseLot(const AbstractBaseLot &) | glo::AbstractBaseLot | private |
BaseAllSet() | glo::BaseAllSet | |
BaseAllSet(Base &rBase) | glo::BaseAllSet | |
BaseAllSet(Base &rBase, unsigned long ulClassID, bool bWithSubClasses=true) | glo::BaseAllSet | |
BaseAllSet(Base &rBase, unsigned long ulClassID, const std::string &rsFullIndexName) | glo::BaseAllSet | |
BaseAllSet(const BaseAllSet &) | glo::BaseAllSet | private |
CallBack() | glo::CallBack | |
CallBack(const CallBack &rT) | glo::CallBack | protected |
close() | glo::BaseAllSet | |
deinit() | glo::CallBack | protected |
get(T *&prRetVal, EnSeekMode eMode) | glo::TAllSet< T > | |
get(std::shared_ptr< T > &rRetVal, EnSeekMode eMode) | glo::TAllSet< T > | |
get(glo::ObjID &rObjID, T *&prRetVal, EnSeekMode eMode) | glo::TAllSet< T > | |
get(glo::ObjID &rObjID, std::shared_ptr< T > &rRetVal, EnSeekMode eMode) | glo::TAllSet< T > | |
get(T *&prRetVal, const glo::ObjID &rObjID) | glo::TAllSet< T > | |
get(std::shared_ptr< T > &rRetVal, const glo::ObjID &rObjID) | glo::TAllSet< T > | |
getAvailableIndices() | glo::BaseAllSet | |
getAvailableIndicesSize() | glo::BaseAllSet | |
getBase() const override | glo::BaseAllSet | virtual |
getClassID() const | glo::BaseAllSet | |
getFullIndexName() const | glo::BaseAllSet | |
getIndexClassID() const | glo::BaseAllSet | |
getIndexedObjIds(std::vector< glo::ObjID > &rObjIDContainer, const std::string &rsIndexSearchValue, EnQueryType eQuerryType) | glo::BaseAllSet | |
getIndexedObjIds(std::vector< glo::ObjID > &rObjIDContainer, const std::string &rsFullIndexName, const std::string &rsIndexSearchValue, EnQueryType eQuerryType) | glo::BaseAllSet | |
getIndexedObjIds(std::vector< glo::ObjID > &rObjIDContainer, const std::string &rsIndexName, unsigned long ulIndexClassID, const std::string &rsIndexSearchValue, EnQueryType eQuerryType) | glo::BaseAllSet | |
getIndexedObjIds(std::vector< glo::ObjID > &rObjIDContainer, const std::string &rsIndexSearchValue, EnComparisionOp eComparisionOp) | glo::BaseAllSet | |
getIndexedObjIds(std::vector< glo::ObjID > &rObjIDContainer, const std::string &rsFullIndexName, const std::string &rsIndexSearchValue, EnComparisionOp eComparisionOp) | glo::BaseAllSet | |
getIndexedObjIds(std::vector< glo::ObjID > &rObjIDContainer, const std::string &rsIndexName, unsigned long ulIndexClassID, const std::string &rsIndexSearchValue, EnComparisionOp eComparisionOp) | glo::BaseAllSet | |
getIndexedObjIds(std::vector< glo::ObjID > &rObjIDContainer, const std::string &rsRangeStartIndexSearchValue, const std::string &rsRangeEndIndexSearchValue) | glo::BaseAllSet | |
getIndexedObjIds(std::vector< glo::ObjID > &rObjIDContainer, const std::string &rsFullIndexName, const std::string &rsRangeStartIndexSearchValue, const std::string &rsRangeEndIndexSearchValue) | glo::BaseAllSet | |
getIndexedObjIds(std::vector< glo::ObjID > &rObjIDContainer, const std::string &rsIndexName, unsigned long ulIndexClassID, const std::string &rsRangeStartIndexSearchValue, const std::string &rsRangeEndIndexSearchValue) | glo::BaseAllSet | |
getIndexedOndemands(std::vector< glo::TOndemand< T > > &rOndemandVector, const std::string &rsIndexSearchValue, EnQueryType eQuerryType) | glo::TAllSet< T > | |
getIndexedOndemands(std::vector< glo::TOndemand< T > > &rOndemandVector, const std::string &rsFullIndexName, const std::string &rsIndexSearchValue, EnQueryType eQuerryType) | glo::TAllSet< T > | |
getIndexedOndemands(std::vector< glo::TOndemand< T > > &rOndemandVector, const std::string &rsIndexName, unsigned long ulIndexClassID, const std::string &rsIndexSearchValue, EnQueryType eQuerryType) | glo::TAllSet< T > | |
getIndexedOndemands(std::vector< glo::TOndemand< T > > &rOndemandVector, const std::string &rsIndexSearchValue, EnComparisionOp eComparisionOp) | glo::TAllSet< T > | |
getIndexedOndemands(std::vector< glo::TOndemand< T > > &rOndemandVector, const std::string &rsFullIndexName, const std::string &rsIndexSearchValue, EnComparisionOp eComparisionOp) | glo::TAllSet< T > | |
getIndexedOndemands(std::vector< glo::TOndemand< T > > &rOndemandVector, const std::string &rsIndexName, unsigned long ulIndexClassID, const std::string &rsIndexSearchValue, EnComparisionOp eComparisionOp) | glo::TAllSet< T > | |
getIndexedOndemands(std::vector< glo::TOndemand< T > > &rOndemandVector, const std::string &rsRangeStartIndex, const std::string &rsRangeEndIndex) | glo::TAllSet< T > | |
getIndexedOndemands(std::vector< glo::TOndemand< T > > &rOndemandVector, const std::string &rsFullIndexName, const std::string &rsRangeStartIndexSearchValue, const std::string &rsRangeEndIndexSearchValue) | glo::TAllSet< T > | |
getIndexedOndemands(std::vector< glo::TOndemand< T > > &rOndemandVector, const std::string &rsIndexName, unsigned long ulIndexClassID, const std::string &rsRangeStartIndexSearchValue, const std::string &rsRangeEndIndexSearchValue) | glo::TAllSet< T > | |
getIndexName() const | glo::BaseAllSet | |
getIndexNameClassIdTuple(unsigned long ulClassID, const std::string &rsIndexName) | glo::BaseAllSet | private |
getIndexNameClassIdTuple(const std::string &rsFullIndexName) | glo::BaseAllSet | private |
getObjID(glo::ObjID &rObjID, EnSeekMode eMode) | glo::BaseAllSet | |
getOndemand(glo::TOndemand< T > *&prRetVal, EnSeekMode eMode) | glo::TAllSet< T > | |
getOndemand(std::shared_ptr< glo::TOndemand< T > > &rRetVal, EnSeekMode eMode) | glo::TAllSet< T > | |
getOndemand(glo::TOndemand< T > &rRetVal, EnSeekMode eMode) | glo::TAllSet< T > | |
getPersistent(BasePersistent *&prRetVal, const glo::ObjID &rObjID) | glo::TAllSet< T > | virtual |
getPersistent(std::shared_ptr< BasePersistent > &rRetVal, const glo::ObjID &rObjID) | glo::TAllSet< T > | virtual |
getTypeAsString(std::string &rsTypeName) override | glo::BaseAllSet | virtual |
init(Base &rBase) | glo::BaseAllSet | private |
glo::AbstractBaseLot::init() | glo::CallBack | protected |
inLot(const glo::ObjID &rObjID) const override | glo::BaseAllSet | virtual |
inSet(const glo::ObjID &rObjID) const | glo::BaseAllSet | virtual |
isIndexAvailable(const BaseAllSet::IndexNameClassIdTuple &rIndexNameClassIdTuple) | glo::BaseAllSet | |
isIndexAvailable(unsigned long ulClassID, const std::string &rsIndexName) | glo::BaseAllSet | |
isIndexAvailable(const std::string &rsFullIndexName) | glo::BaseAllSet | |
m_AvailableIndices | glo::BaseAllSet | private |
m_AvailableIndicesRead | glo::BaseAllSet | private |
m_bAllSetOpen | glo::BaseAllSet | private |
m_bWithSubClasses | glo::BaseAllSet | private |
m_IndexNameWithClassID | glo::BaseAllSet | private |
m_pBase | glo::BaseAllSet | private |
m_pSpy | glo::CallBack | private |
m_strDebugInfo | glo::CallBack | |
m_ulClassID | glo::BaseAllSet | private |
notify(NotifyNote &rNote) | glo::CallBack | virtual |
open() | glo::BaseAllSet | |
operator!=(const CallBack &rT) const | glo::CallBack | |
operator=(const TAllSet &) | glo::TAllSet< T > | private |
glo::CallBack::operator=(const CallBack &rT) | glo::CallBack | |
operator==(const CallBack &rT) const | glo::CallBack | |
readWithSubClasses() const | glo::BaseAllSet | |
removeIndexFilter() | glo::BaseAllSet | |
setAllSetOpen(bool bOpen) | glo::BaseAllSet | protected |
setAvailableIndices() | glo::BaseAllSet | protected |
setBase(Base *pBase) override | glo::BaseAllSet | virtual |
setBase(Base &rBase) | glo::BaseAllSet | virtual |
setClassID(unsigned long ulClassID) | glo::BaseAllSet | protectedvirtual |
setClassIDFromTemplate(unsigned long ulClassID) | glo::BaseAllSet | protected |
setCurrentObject(const glo::ObjID &rObjID) override | glo::BaseAllSet | virtual |
glo::AbstractBaseLot::setCurrentObject(const BasePersistent &rObject) | glo::AbstractBaseLot | virtual |
setFullIndexName(const std::string &rsFullIndexName) | glo::BaseAllSet | |
setIndex(const BaseAllSet::IndexNameClassIdTuple &rIndexNameClassIdTuple) | glo::BaseAllSet | |
setIndexFilter(const std::string &rsIndexFilter) | glo::BaseAllSet | |
setIndexFilter(const std::string &rsIndexFilter, EnComparisionOp eComparisionOp) | glo::BaseAllSet | |
setIndexFilter(const std::string &rsRangeStartIndexFilter, const std::string &rsRangeEndIndexFilter) | glo::BaseAllSet | |
setPosition(std::size_t nPosition) override | glo::BaseAllSet | virtual |
setReadWithSubClasses(bool bWithSubClasses) | glo::BaseAllSet | |
setWatch(TdWatchNotifyMode ulWatchMode, CallBack *pCallBack=0) | glo::TAllSet< T > | virtual |
size() const override | glo::BaseAllSet | virtual |
TAllSet() | glo::TAllSet< T > | |
TAllSet(Base &rBase, bool bWithSubClasses=true) | glo::TAllSet< T > | |
TAllSet(Base &rBase, const std::string &rsFullIndexName) | glo::TAllSet< T > | |
TAllSet(const TAllSet &) | glo::TAllSet< T > | private |
transferObjIListIntoOndemandVector(const std::vector< glo::ObjID > &rSourceContainer, std::vector< glo::TOndemand< T > > &rTargetVevtor) | glo::TAllSet< T > | private |
unsetWatch(TdWatchNotifyMode ulWatchMode, CallBack *pCallBack=0) | glo::TAllSet< T > | virtual |
~AbstractBaseLot() | glo::AbstractBaseLot | virtual |
~BaseAllSet() | glo::BaseAllSet | virtual |
~CallBack() | glo::CallBack | virtual |
~TAllSet() | glo::TAllSet< T > | virtual |