![]() |
This class is used to handle the communication between the application that uses GlobalObjects and GlobalObjects. More...
#include <GloOrderMsg.h>
Public Member Functions | |
OrderMsg (const eut::Blob &rBlob, EnStreamOrderDataType eStreamDataType, const std::map< unsigned long, ClassInfo * > *pSchemaInfoMap) | |
OrderMsg (const std::string &rsSchemaName, Communicator *pCommunicator, EnOrderType eOrderType, void *pOrderObject, void *pOrderResult, void *pFirstAdditionalInfo=nullptr, void *pSecondAdditionalInfo=nullptr) | |
OrderMsg (const std::string &rsSchemaName, EnOrderType eOrderType, void *pOrderObject, void *pFirstAdditionalInfo=nullptr, void *pSecondAdditionalInfo=nullptr) | |
virtual | ~OrderMsg () |
void | deleteFirstAdditionalInfo () |
void | deleteOrderObject () |
void | deleteOrderResult () |
void | deleteSecondAdditionalInfo () |
Communicator * | getCommunicator () const |
std::string | getCommunicatorClientName () const |
unsigned int | getCommunicatorID () const |
int | getErr () const |
void * | getFirstAdditionalInfo () const |
unsigned int | getOrderMsgID () const |
void * | getOrderObject () const |
void * | getOrderResult () const |
OrderMsg::EnOrderType | getOrderType () const |
std::string | getOrderTypeAsStr () const |
std::string | getSchemaName () const |
void * | getSecondAdditionalInfo () const |
OrderMsg::EnSendDirection | getSendDirection () const |
NUM_PTR | getThreadID () const |
bool | isProcessed () |
void * | ReleaseOrderResult () |
void | setCommunicator (Communicator *pCommunicator) |
void | setErr (int iErr) |
void | setFirstAdditionalInfo (void *pFirstAdditionalInfo) |
void | setOrderMsgID (unsigned int uiID) |
void | setOrderObject (void *pOrderObject) |
void | setOrderResult (void *pOrderResult) |
void | setOrderType (OrderMsg::EnOrderType eOrderType) |
void | setSecondAdditionalInfo (void *pSecondAdditionalInfo) |
void | setSendDirection (EnSendDirection eSendDirection) |
void | setThreadID (NUM_PTR ipThreadID) |
int | streamBlobInOrder (const eut::Blob &rBlob, EnStreamOrderDataType eStreamOrderDataType, const std::map< unsigned long, ClassInfo * > *pSchemaInfoMap) |
void | streamOrderInBlob (eut::Blob &rBlob, EnStreamOrderDataType eStreamOrderDataType) const |
virtual std::string | toString () const |
bool | willDestroyOrderObjectInDTor () const |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static std::string | getOrderTypeAsString (EnOrderType eOrderType) |
Public Attributes | |
std::string | m_strStatus |
Protected Member Functions | |
OrderMsg () | |
template<typename T> | |
int | addStreamData0terminated (eut::Blob &rBlob, const T tData) const |
int | addStreamDataType (eut::Blob &rBlob, void *pData, EnStreamDataType eStreamDataType, std::map< ObjID, ObjID, std::less< ObjID > > &rReadyRecordMap) const |
void | deleteFirstAdditionalInfo (OrderMsg::EnOrderType eOrderType) |
void | deleteOrderObject (OrderMsg::EnOrderType eOrderType) |
void | deleteOrderResult (OrderMsg::EnOrderType eOrderType) |
void | deleteSecondAdditionalInfo (OrderMsg::EnOrderType eOrderType) |
int | setDataFromStream (const eut::Blob &rBlob, std::size_t &rnCurrentBlobPosition, std::size_t &rnBlobPosition, void *&prData, EnStreamDataType eStreamDataType, const std::map< unsigned long, ClassInfo * > *pSchemaInfoMap) |
Private Types | |
Private Member Functions | |
OrderMsg (const OrderMsg &) | |
OrderMsg & | operator= (const OrderMsg &) |
Private Attributes | |
bool | m_bDestroyOrderObject |
bool | m_bFirstAdditionalInfoModified |
bool | m_bOrderObjectModified |
bool | m_bProcessed |
bool | m_bSecondAdditionalInfoModified |
OrderMsg::EnSendDirection | m_eDirection |
OrderMsg::EnOrderType | m_eOrderType |
int | m_iErr |
NUM_PTR | m_ipThreadID |
Communicator * | m_pCommunicator |
void * | m_pFirstAdditionalInfo |
void * | m_pOrderObject |
void * | m_pOrderResult |
void * | m_pSecondAdditionalInfo |
std::string | m_sCommunicatorClientName |
std::string | m_sSchemaName |
unsigned int | m_uiCommunicatorID |
unsigned int | m_uiID |
Friends | |
class | CommunicaterThread |
This class is used to handle the communication between the application that uses GlobalObjects and GlobalObjects.
The OrderMsg is used to transport queries, requests to the database and their results.
The order type. If extended, adjust method OrderMsg::getOrderTypeAsString( EnOrderType )!
Enumerator | |
eUNDEF | Undefined. |
eGET_ALL_BASES | Order: Return all database names. |
eGET_CLASSINFO_BY_CLASSID | Order: Return the class information of a class by the passed Class-ID. |
eGET_CLASSINFO_BY_CLASSNAME | Order: Return the class information of a class by the passed Classname. |
eGET_ALL_DEFAULT_LIMITS | Order: Return all attribute limits. |
eGET_DATATYPE_LIMITS | Order: Return the limits of an attribute. |
eGET_SUBCLASS_INFOS | Order: Return the class information of the direct subclasses of a class. |
eGET_BASECLASS_INFOS | Order: Return the class information of the direct superclasses of a class. |
eGET_ALL_SUBCLASS_INFOS | Order: Return the class information of all subclasses of a class. |
eGET_ALL_BASECLASS_INFOS | Order: Return the class information of all superclasses of a class. |
eGET_ALL_CLASS_INFOS | Order: Return all class information. |
eIS_KNOWN_CLASSID | Order: Check if a class id is known in the database. |
eIS_SUPER_CLASS_FROM | Order: Check if a class is superclass of another class. |
eGET_ALL_CLIENTS | Order: Return all clients that have opened a database or in server mode connected to the GloServer. |
eOPEN_BASE | Order: Open the database. |
eCLOSE_BASE | Order: Close the database. |
eASSIGN | Job: Registrate the object of a class in the database and returns the object ID. |
eOPEN_ALLSET | Order: Open an AllSet. |
eCLOSE_ALLSET | Order: Close an AllSet. |
eGET_OBJID_WITH_OBJECT_FROM_ALLSET | Order: Return an object ID and the object from an AllSet. |
eGET_OBJID_FROM_ALLSET | Order: Return an object ID from an AllSet. |
eSET_INDEX_FILTER_BY_SEARCHVALUE_IN_ALLSET | Order: Set an index filter in an AllSet. |
eSET_INDEX_FILTER_BY_COMPARING_IN_ALLSET | Order: Set an index filter in an AllSet. |
eSET_INDEX_FILTER_BY_RANGE_IN_ALLSET | Order: Set an index filter in an AllSet. |
eREMOVE_INDEX_FILTER | Order: Remove a possibly existing index filter in AllSet. |
eGET_INDEXED_OBJIDS_BY_SEARCHVALUE_FROM_ALLSET | Order: Return object IDs from index query from AllSet. |
eGET_INDEXED_OBJIDS_BY_COMPARING_FROM_ALLSET | Order: Return object IDs from index query from AllSet. |
eGET_INDEXED_OBJIDS_BY_RANGE_FROM_ALLSET | Order: Return object IDs from index query from AllSet. |
eGET_ALLSET_SIZE | Order: Return number of objects in an AllSet. |
eSET_CURRENT_OBJECT_IN_ALLSET | Order: Set the position pointer to the object with an object ID in an AllSet. |
eSET_POSITION_IN_ALLSET | Order: Set the position pointer in an AllSet. |
eCHECK_OBJID_IN_ALLSET | Order: Check whether object ID is in AllSet. |
eGET | Order: Return a complete record of an object with an object ID from the database. |
eGET_REC | Order: Return a record of the object with an object ID from the database. |
eREFRESH | Order: Refresh a record of an object with an object ID from the database. |
eSTORE | Order: Store records in the database. |
eIS_STORED | Order: Check if object with an object ID is stored in the database. |
eDELETE | Order: Delete records in the database. |
eDELETE_MULTIPLE | Order: Delete list of objects, represented by their object ID, in the database. |
eLOCK | Order: Lock objects with object ID in the database. |
eLOCK_REFRESH | Order: Lock object in the database and refresh data. |
eRELOCK | Order: Relock objects with object ID in the database. |
eRELOCK_REFRESH | Order: Relock object in the database and refresh data. |
eUNLOCK | Order: Unlock objects with object ID in the database. |
eIS_LOCKED | Order: Check if objects with object ID are locked in database. |
eIS_ALLOWED | Order: Check specific action allowed with objects with object ID in database (regarding locks). |
eGET_PROCESSING_POSSIBILITIES | Order: Deliver allowed actions that are allowed with objects with object ID in the database (in terms of locks) |
eWATCH_OBJECT | Order: Watch the objects with object ID in the database and notify. |
eUNWATCH_OBJECT | Order: End the watching of objects with object ID in the database. |
eWATCH_CLASS | Order: Watch an AllSet in the database and notify. |
eUNWATCH_CLASS | Order: End the watching of an AllSet in the database. |
eWATCH_CLIENT | Order: Watch the login to a GloServer and the opening of a database of clients and notify. |
eUNWATCH_CLIENT | Order: End watching of clients. |
eWATCH_INDEX_READWRITE | Order: Watch the re-indexing of a database and notify. |
eUNWATCH_INDEX_READWRITE | Order: End the monitoring of the reindexing of a database. |
eBEGIN_TRANSACTION | Order: Begin transaction. |
eCOMMIT_TRANSACTION | Order: Commit transaction and perform actions. |
eABORT_TRANSACTION | Order: Abort transaction and do not perform actions. m_pOrderObject = int (Dummy) |
ePROCESS_TRANSACTION | Order: Only used internally in Manager, processes a transaction. m_pOrderObject = TransactionManager::CommunicatorTransactionStack * |
eREINDEX_BASE | Order: Reindex the database. m_pOrderObject = int (Dummy) |
eCOMPRESS_BASE | Order: Compresses the database. m_pOrderObject = int (Dummy) |
eREPAIR_BASE | Order: Repair the database. m_pOrderObject = int (Dummy) |
eNOTIFY_CLIENT | Order: Only used internally in Manager, initiates notifications to clients. m_pOrderObject = nullptr |
eNOTIFY_OBJECT_AS_WRITTEN | Order: Report objects of a persistent class as changed in the database. m_pOrderObject = std::list<ObjID> br> m_pOrderResult = nullptr m_pFirstAdditionalInfo = nullptr |
ePROCESS_NOTIFY | Order: Used by the Manager, LockManager and TableReaderInterface to instruct the WatchNotifyManager to notify clients that something has happened m_pOrderObject = WatchNotifyManager::NotifyInfo |
eDELETE_COMMUNICATOR_WATCHES | Order: Used by the Manager to order the WatchNotifyManager to remove all outstanding watches of a communicator. m_pOrderObject = int (Dummy) |
eNEW_CONNECTED_CLIENT | Order: Only used internally by GloServer to inform Manager that a new client has connected to the GloServer. m_pOrderObject = ClientInfo |
eDISCONNECTED_CLIENT | Auftrag: Wird nur intern vom GloServer genutzt, um den Manager zu informieren, dass sich ein Client beim GloServer abgemeldet hat. m_pOrderObject = ClientInfo |
The order has a send direction, which is marked with this enumeration.
Enumerator | |
eTO_CLIENT_ANSWER | The order is a response or a result to the client. |
eTO_CLIENT_NOTIFY | The order is a notification to the client. |
eTO_SERVER | An order to the GloServer. |
eINTERN | An internal order e.g. from GloServer to Manager. |
private |
Indicates the type of the order or result data.
Enumerator | |
eUNDEF_DATATYPE | undefined |
eBOOL | bool |
eCLASSINFO_MAP | std::map< unsigned long, ClassInfo *, std::less<unsigned long> > * |
eCLIENTINFO_VECTOR | std::vector< ClientInfo > |
eDATATYPELIMITS_VECTOR | std::vector< LimitRecord > * |
eFLOAT | double |
eOBJID | ObjID * |
eOBJID_LIST | std::list< ObjID > * |
eOBJID_VECTOR | std::vector< ObjID > |
eRECORD_LIST | std::list< Record * > * |
eSIGNED | int |
eSTRING | std::string |
eSTRING_VECTOR | std::vector< std::string > * |
eUNSIGNED_INT | unsigned int |
eUNSIGNED_LONG | unsigned long |
eUNSIGNED_SIZE | size_t |
Orders are sent with the order data by an ordering instance. The same order is usually used to send the result data back to the ordering instance, then the status changes from eORDERDATA to eRESULTDATA.
Enumerator | |
eORDERDATA | The order is not yet processed, has order data. |
eRESULTDATA | The order is processed, has result data. |
protected |
The standard constructor is not available.
glo::OrderMsg::OrderMsg | ( | const std::string & | rsSchemaName, |
Communicator * | pCommunicator, | ||
EnOrderType | eOrderType, | ||
void * | pOrderObject, | ||
void * | pOrderResult, | ||
void * | pFirstAdditionalInfo = nullptr, | ||
void * | pSecondAdditionalInfo = nullptr ) |
Constructor with parameter passing. Instantiates an order with either order or result data and optional additional information data.
[in] | rsSchemaName | The schema name or the database name to which the order applies. |
[in] | pCommunicator | The requesting communicator. |
[in] | eOrderType | The order type. |
[in] | pOrderObject | Raw pointer to the order data (types see m_pOrderObject). |
[in] | pOrderResult | Raw pointer to the result data (types see m_pOrderResult). |
[in] | pFirstAdditionalInfo | Raw pointer to a first additional information (optional). |
[in] | pSecondAdditionalInfo | Raw pointer to a second additional information (optional). |
eut::ErrorNException | An exception is thrown if an error occurs. |
glo::OrderMsg::OrderMsg | ( | const std::string & | rsSchemaName, |
EnOrderType | eOrderType, | ||
void * | pOrderObject, | ||
void * | pFirstAdditionalInfo = nullptr, | ||
void * | pSecondAdditionalInfo = nullptr ) |
Constructor with parameter passing. Instantiates an order with order data. Since without communicator, for 'internal' use and not for communication between client and server resp. database.
[in] | rsSchemaName | The schema name or the database name to which the order applies. |
[in] | eOrderType | The order type. |
[in] | pOrderObject | Raw pointer to the order data (types see m_pOrderObject). |
[in] | pFirstAdditionalInfo | Raw pointer to a first additional information (optional). |
[in] | pSecondAdditionalInfo | Raw pointer to a second additional information (optional). |
eut::ErrorNException | An exception is thrown if an error occurs. |
glo::OrderMsg::OrderMsg | ( | const eut::Blob & | rBlob, |
EnStreamOrderDataType | eStreamDataType, | ||
const std::map< unsigned long, ClassInfo * > * | pSchemaInfoMap ) |
Constructor with parameter passing. Sets the attributes from the passed blob.
[in] | rBlob | The order as blob. |
[in] | eStreamDataType | Order or result. |
[in] | pSchemaInfoMap | The class information must be passed in order to build data sets. |
eut::ErrorNException | An exception is thrown if an error occurs. |
virtual |
Destroyer. If present, m_pOrderObject (see also m_bDestroyOrderObject), m_pOrderResult and m_pFirstAdditionalInfo are removed from memory.
private |
The copy constructor is not available.
protected |
Appends a value as a 0-terminated string to the passed blob.
[in,out] | rBlob | The blob to be extended. |
[in] | tData | The value to append. |
protected |
Help method for OrderMsg::streamOrderInBlob (...); appends data to the passed blob.
[in,out] | rBlob | The blob to be extended. |
[in] | pData | The value to append; is casted depending on the passed OrderMsg::EnStreamDataType. |
[in] | eStreamDataType | The type of the value to append. |
[in] | rReadyRecordMap | A map with object IDs that are already in the blob. |
eut::ErrorNException | In case of an unrecoverable error an exception is thrown. |
void glo::OrderMsg::deleteFirstAdditionalInfo | ( | ) |
Deletes the first additional info, if set, from memory.
protected |
Deletes the first additional info, if set, from memory.
[in] | eOrderType | The additional info corresponding to the order type is casted and then deleted. |
void glo::OrderMsg::deleteOrderObject | ( | ) |
Deletes the order data, if set, from memory.
protected |
Deletes the order data, if set, from memory.
[in] | eOrderType | The order data corresponding to the order type is casted and then deleted. |
void glo::OrderMsg::deleteOrderResult | ( | ) |
Deletes the result data, if set, from memory.
protected |
Deletes the result data, if set, from memory.
[in] | eOrderType | The result data corresponding to the order type is casted and then deleted. |
void glo::OrderMsg::deleteSecondAdditionalInfo | ( | ) |
Deletes the second additional info, if set, from memory.
protected |
Deletes the second additional info, if set, from memory.
[in] | eOrderType | The additional info corresponding to the order type is casted and then deleted. |
Communicator * glo::OrderMsg::getCommunicator | ( | ) | const |
Returns a pointer to the referenced communicator.
std::string glo::OrderMsg::getCommunicatorClientName | ( | ) | const |
unsigned int glo::OrderMsg::getCommunicatorID | ( | ) | const |
int glo::OrderMsg::getErr | ( | ) | const |
void * glo::OrderMsg::getFirstAdditionalInfo | ( | ) | const |
Returns a raw pointer to a possibly existing first additional information.
unsigned int glo::OrderMsg::getOrderMsgID | ( | ) | const |
void * glo::OrderMsg::getOrderObject | ( | ) | const |
Returns a raw pointer to possible existing order data.
void * glo::OrderMsg::getOrderResult | ( | ) | const |
Returns a raw pointer to possibly existing result data.
OrderMsg::EnOrderType glo::OrderMsg::getOrderType | ( | ) | const |
std::string glo::OrderMsg::getOrderTypeAsStr | ( | ) | const |
Returns the order type as string.
static |
Returns the order type as string.
[in] | eOrderType | The order type. |
eut::ErrorNException | An exception is thrown if an error occurs. |
std::string glo::OrderMsg::getSchemaName | ( | ) | const |
void * glo::OrderMsg::getSecondAdditionalInfo | ( | ) | const |
Returns a raw pointer to a possibly existing second additional information.
OrderMsg::EnSendDirection glo::OrderMsg::getSendDirection | ( | ) | const |
NUM_PTR glo::OrderMsg::getThreadID | ( | ) | const |
bool glo::OrderMsg::isProcessed | ( | ) |
Checks whether the order has been processed.
The assignment operator is not available.
void * glo::OrderMsg::ReleaseOrderResult | ( | ) |
Returns a raw pointer to the result data, if set.
void glo::OrderMsg::setCommunicator | ( | Communicator * | pCommunicator | ) |
Sets the communicator.
[in] | pCommunicator | The communicator. |
protected |
Help method for OrderMsg::streamBlobInOrder (...); parses the blob passed and sets m_pOrderObject, m_pOrderResult, m_pFirstAdditionalInfo, m_pSecondAdditionalInfo.
[in,out] | rBlob | The blob to be evaluated. |
[in,out] | rnCurrentBlobPosition | The current pointer in the blob. |
[in,out] | rnBlobPosition | The resulting pointer in the blob. |
[in,out] | prData | Raw pointer to m_pOrderObject, m_pOrderResult or m_pFirstAdditionalInfo. This is where the data comes in. |
[in] | eStreamDataType | The type of the value to be determined. |
[in] | pSchemaInfoMap | The class information must be passed in order to be able to build records. |
eut::ErrorNException | In case of an unrecoverable error an exception is thrown. |
void glo::OrderMsg::setErr | ( | int | iErr | ) |
void glo::OrderMsg::setFirstAdditionalInfo | ( | void * | pFirstAdditionalInfo | ) |
Sets the first additional information.
[in] | pFirstAdditionalInfo | The first additional information. |
void glo::OrderMsg::setOrderMsgID | ( | unsigned int | uiID | ) |
void glo::OrderMsg::setOrderObject | ( | void * | pOrderObject | ) |
Sets the job data new.
[in] | pOrderObject | Raw pointer to the order data (types see m_pOrderObject). |
void glo::OrderMsg::setOrderResult | ( | void * | pOrderResult | ) |
Sets the result data.
[in] | pOrderResult | Raw pointer to the result data (types see m_pOrderResult). |
void glo::OrderMsg::setOrderType | ( | OrderMsg::EnOrderType | eOrderType | ) |
void glo::OrderMsg::setSecondAdditionalInfo | ( | void * | pSecondAdditionalInfo | ) |
Sets the second additional information.
[in] | pSecondAdditionalInfo | The second additional information. |
void glo::OrderMsg::setSendDirection | ( | EnSendDirection | eSendDirection | ) |
void glo::OrderMsg::setThreadID | ( | NUM_PTR | ipThreadID | ) |
Sets the ThreadID of the creator of the order.
[in] | ipThreadID | The ThreadID. |
int glo::OrderMsg::streamBlobInOrder | ( | const eut::Blob & | rBlob, |
EnStreamOrderDataType | eStreamOrderDataType, | ||
const std::map< unsigned long, ClassInfo * > * | pSchemaInfoMap ) |
Sets its data from passed blob.
[in] | rBlob | The blob with the data. |
[in] | eStreamOrderDataType | Order or result. |
[in] | pSchemaInfoMap | The class information must be passed in order to build records. |
void glo::OrderMsg::streamOrderInBlob | ( | eut::Blob & | rBlob, |
EnStreamOrderDataType | eStreamOrderDataType ) const |
Fills a passed blob with its data.
[in,out] | rBlob | The blob to be filled. |
[in] | eStreamOrderDataType | Order or result. |
eut::ErrorNException | An exception is thrown if an error occurs. |
virtual |
Returns OrderMsg::m_strStatus.
bool glo::OrderMsg::willDestroyOrderObjectInDTor | ( | ) | const |
Returns m_bDestroyOrderObject.
friend |
private |
Usually the object behind m_pOrderObject in the destructor is removed from memory. This attribute is true by default. If false, m_pOrderObject will not be removed from memory in the destructor.
private |
An additional information can be changed once during the existence of the order. In order for OrderMsg::deleteFirstAdditionalInfo() to know what to delete, this attribute is automatically set in OrderMsg::setFirstAdditionalInfo (...).
private |
An order object can be changed once during the existence of the order. In order for OrderMsg::deleteOrderObject() to know what to delete, this attribute is automatically set in OrderMsg::setOrderObject (...).
private |
Becomes true when the order is processed.
private |
An additional information can be changed once during the existence of the order. In order for OrderMsg::deleteSecondAdditionalInfo() to know what to delete, this attribute is automatically set in OrderMsg::setSecondAdditionalInfo (...).
private |
Send direction.
private |
The order type.
private |
An error code; usually set in the 'answer'.
private |
The thread ID of the creator of the job.
private |
For the callback, when the order is completed or the recipient for a notification.
private |
Raw pointer to first additional information. Possible types:
/sa m_pSecondAdditionalInfo
private |
Raw pointer to the order data .
Possible types:
std::list< Manager::ObjIdWithDepends * >
std::map< ObjID, Record *, std::less<ObjID> >
unsigned long
private |
Raw pointer to the result data.
Possible types:
bool ClassInfo LimitRecord NotifyNote ObjID Record std::list<Record*> std::map< unsigned long, ClassInfo *, std::less<unsigned long> > std::vector<ClientInfo> std::vector<LimitRecord> std::vector<std::string> unsigned long ClientInfo
private |
Raw pointer to second additional information.
private |
Each communicator can have a name. Because the communicator may no longer be valid, the name is recorded here again.
private |
The schema name or the database name for which the order is.
std::string glo::OrderMsg::m_strStatus |
Here you can write something in for debug purposes.
private |
Each communicator can have a name. Because the communicator may no longer be valid, the ID is recorded here again.
private |
Each order gets a unique order number. This is necessary to assign a response with the same order number to an order.