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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CAbstractBaseLotThe base class for container with persistent objects.
 CBaseAllSetIs the base class of template AllSets and the generic AllSet
 CIndexNameClassIdTupleTuple of IndexName and the class ID of the indexed class.
 CBasePersistentAbstract base class for Persistent and the generic GenericPersistent
 CCallBackSuperclass for the classes that are 'connected' to a Base
 CObjCreatorAbstract superclass for instantiation functions of persistent classes. From this class a subclass is derived for each database from a schema, which can instantiate persistent objects from the class IDs
 CObjID An object ID consists of the class ID, a database ID and the actual unique object number (all unsigned long)
 CPersistentThe base class of the persistent classes. All persistent classes must be derived from this class to be able to process their objects in the database
 CReferenceThe base class of a reference attribute from persistent objects to other persistent objects in the database.
 CTAllSetAllSet, which returns objects from the database
 CTOndemandA reference (as attribute) of a persistent object to another persistent object in the database
 CBankA bank or other money management organization.
 CBankAccountA bank customer's bank account at a bank.
 CLegalEntityA legal entity from which organizations can be derived.
 CNaturalPersonA natural person.
 CPersonAn abstract person from which natural and legal persons can be derived.