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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 Ctcp::AbstractMessageBase class for messages which can be sent, received and processed by the Tcp-classes.
 Cglo::AllSetIndexInfoFor transmitting index information.
 Cglo::AllSetIteratorResultBasePersistent objects can be queried from the database. If the BasePersistent object is locked, the ObjID should still be delivered. This is the class for the response object.
 Cglo::TableReaderInterface::AllSetObjectStrIndexIteratorItemObjects of this type are managed in the m_pAllSetObjectStrIndexIteratorMap to ensure that an AllSet with index can be reopened in method TableReaderInterface::setTransactionIndexPool(TransactionIndexPool*).
 Cglo::AllSetStructIs needed to transfer AllSet information in a OrderMsg
 Cptl::ATDVListAbstract superclass for template lists that include a pointer to objects or objects as copies in the list.
 Cglo::AttributeIDThis class reflects a unique ID of a class information attribute
 Cptl::AVDVListBase class for void-pointer lists
 Cglo::BaseThis class is the interface to the persistent objects. Here "objects" can be registered, saved, requested, deleted, locked, released etc
 Cglo::BaseFitterIf there is something wrong with a GlobalObjects database, or if it needs to be handled otherwise, the object of this class is the right place to go.
Here you can repair and copy over
 Cglo::BaseMakerGenerated using the SchemaInterface, data tables, C++ header and source files etc.
 Cglo::BaseRecordAttributeBase class for the individual attributes of a Record
 Ceut::BlobThis class allows to edit a blob (insert, copy, search etc.).
 Cglo::CallBackSuperclass for the classes that are 'connected' to a Base
 Cglo::CallBackSpyClass to access the CallBack objects of a database in memory
 Cglo::ClassInfoThis class contains all information to store objects of a class in a database, to build objects from tables and to build tables from objects
 Cglo::ClassInfoItemBase class of a ClassInfoAttribute and a ClassInfoIndex
 Cglo::WatchNotifyManager::ClassWatchMonitoring class for AllSets.
 Cglo::ClientInfoA structure to transport client data between database and client.
 Cglo::WatchNotifyManager::ClientWatchMonitoring class for client logins and logouts.
 Cglo::WatchNotifyManager::CommunicatorCallBackIndexBase class of a unique index for maps of derived classes of CommunicatorNotifyModes and as index for the static action lists.
 Cglo::WatchNotifyManager::CommunicatorNotifyModesBasic class of the individual monitoring or notification modes.
 Cglo::LockManager::LockedObject::CommunicatorRightsRestrictionsThe individual lock modes of the object with object ID from LockedObject::m_LockObjektID for a communicator
 Cglo::TransactionManager::CommunicatorTransactionStackThe transaction stack of a client communicator for a database.
 Ceut::CriticalSectionIs a mutex which can be queried via its lock mode. See isLocked()
 Cglo::DataStreamerThis class encodes or decodes data for transport in a TCP packet
 Cglo::IndexPool::DeletedObjIdTupleClass to manage deleted objects in the IndexPool::SchemaIndex
 Cglo::DependentObjsWithDeepModeA structure to transport multiple object IDs with a 'depth mode'.
 Cptl::DVElementElement of double linked lists
 CEuAPThreadAbstract superclass for threads
 CEuPCriticalSectionIs a mutex which can be queried via its lock mode. See isLocked()
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cini::FileAn INI file contains information for programs
 Cglo::Forgeter< T >Especially for GenericPersistent or derived classes of Persistent the Forget method for std::shared_ptr
 Cglo::GenPersObjectSpyClass to access the generic persistent objects of a database in memory
 Cglo::ClassInfoIndex::IndexAttributeItemInformation for the index about which attribute from which class, with how many characters, belongs to the index.
 Cglo::IndexPool::IndexFilterFilters can be assigned to objects of the type ObjectStrIndexIterator, which control the iteration by an ObjectStrIndex.
This filter has an index filter expression in m_sIndexFilterValue.
 Cglo::BaseAllSet::IndexNameClassIdTupleTuple of IndexName and the class ID of the indexed class.
 Cglo::IndexPoolIndexPool is the base class for the RealIndexPool and the TransactionIndexPool for the individual transactions
 Cglo::WatchNotifyManager::IndexReadWriteWatchMonitoring class for read-index, write-index and reindex actions of the database.
 Cglo::Record::IndexStrNameTupleIndexStrNameTuples hold an index as a sortable string, its name and the class ID of the class being indexed (can be a superclass of the class with the record) and whether the index is unique.
 Cglo::LimitRecordIn objects of this class the min and max values of supported data types and their field lengths are transported in the tables.
 Cini::LineIs a comment line, but also superclass for Section and Key.
 Cini::LineFactoryThis class turns lines of an INI file into objects of the types Line, Section or Key.
 Cglo::LockManager::LockedObjectObjects can be locked. Objects of this class represent an object locked by the communicator, with possibly also locked objects like embedded objects.
 Cglo::LockManagerObjects of this class monitor the lock state of persistent objects
 Cglo::LockPossibleSpecificationPermitted actions in the database such as read, write and delete can be queried for an object. This is the answer.
 Cglo::LockSpecificationTo be able to lock objects, the 'lock mode' and the 'lock depth' are required as parameters. This is possible with this structure.
 Cglo::ManagerActionVisualiserShows the actions of the Manager via std::cout
 Cglo::WatchNotifyManager::NotifyInfoBase class for different Notify-Infos, which are used in a order to the WatchNotifyManager.
 Cglo::NotifyNoteObject info of the WatchNotifyManager for the watching instance.
See detailed description in the manual under "Watching / notifying persistent objects".
 Cglo::ObjCreatorAbstract superclass for instantiation functions of persistent classes. From this class a subclass is derived for each database from a schema, which can instantiate persistent objects from the class IDs
 Cglo::ObjectMakerThis class can instantiate a persistent object from a record or fill a persistent object and vice versa.
 Cglo::IndexPool::ObjectStrIndexManages the individual string indices of a class. If this is a unique index, the ObjStrIdTuple are in a map, otherwise in a MultiMap. Then indexes in a MultiMap can be inserted as reserved, this is taken into account when inserting further.
 Cglo::IndexPool::ObjectStrIndexIteratorHas a pointer to an ObjectStrIndex and allows iteration through this index. Is instantiated e.g. for AllSets so that they can iterate independently through StringIndexes.
 Cglo::WatchNotifyManager::ObjectWatchMonitoring class for objects.
 Cglo::ObjID An object ID consists of the class ID, a database ID and the actual unique object number (all unsigned long)
 Cglo::IndexPool::ObjIdPosTupleClass to manage objects in the IndexPool::TableObjIdIndex
 Cglo::ObjIDRecordTupleA tuple of record and object ID
 Cglo::Manager::ObjIdWithDependsA structure to map the object ID of a persistent object with the data records of the dependent objects (dependent means; should be saved, deleted, monitored, locked, etc.).
 Cglo::IndexPool::ObjStrIdTupleClass to manage objects in the IndexPool::ObjectStrIndex
 Cglo::OpenSpecificationTo open a database this info is inserted into OrderMsg.
 Cglo::OrderMsgThis class is used to handle the communication between the application that uses GlobalObjects and GlobalObjects
 Cglo::PersObjectSpyClass to access the persistent objects of a database in memory
 Cglo::PrivateBaseIn this class functions for Base are encapsulated. The Base interface is not affected by any changes in functionality.
 Cglo::ReaderWriterInfoObjects of this structure transport data to objects of type TableReaderInterface and TableWriterInterface.
 Cglo::Manager::ReceiverIs the remote station or the communicator which communicates with the Manager. In multi-user operation there can be several remote stations or communicators.
 Cglo::RecordObjects of this class transport the data from the tables into the persistent object and from these again into the tables
 Ceut::RepeatingThreadBase class for a thread that executes its work endlessly until aborted
 Cglo::IndexPool::SchemaIndexIs the index manager class for a schema resp. a database.
 Cglo::SchemaInterfaceThis class is the interface to a GlobalObjects schema. It contains all class information to store objects of persistent classes in a database and to build objects from tables and tables from objects
 Cglo::Manager::SchemaMapItemObjects of this class represent an open database. There is one object of this class for each open database.
 Ctcp::Server::ServerReceiverTransmitterTuple of socket Receiver and Transmitter for the Server.
 Cglo::ClassInfo::SuperClassIdInfoTupleThis parameter class is used to deliver and receive the Superclass IDs with additional information.
 Cglo::TableInterfaceAn object of this class or subclass accesses tables and reads or writes data records (Record) and binary files (eut::Blob)
 Cglo::TableInterface::TableInterfaceTableA file (std::fstream) and its name.
 Cglo::IndexPool::TableObjIdIndexManages the object IDs (used and released) with their position in the respective tables
 Cglo::IndexPool::TableObjIdIndexIteratorHas a pointer to a TableObjIdIndex and allows to iterate through this index. Is instantiated e.g. for AllSets so that they can iterate through indexes independently.
 Cglo::TDVList< T_DATA >
 Cglo::SchemaInterface::TempGloClassInfoIndexStructure to collect indexes from the schema file until the end of reading
 Cglo::TransactionManager::TransactionBaseBase class for TransactionPoint and TransactionStep.
 Cglo::TransactionManagerclass to guarantee transactions
 Cglo::ClassInfoAttribute::TypeSummarized type information for a ClassInfoAttribute.
 Ceut::UnsignedMagicNumberA UnsignedMagicNumber is an artificial number consisting of numbers and letters (similar to hex numbers)
 Cglo::WatchSpecificationTo be able to watch objects, the 'watching mode', the 'watching depth' and the 'notification object' must be passed as parameters. This is possible with this structure.