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GlobalObjects source code snippets

A source code snippet is a reusable and extensible source code that can be integrated into larger programming modules.

Association class example "Bank and bank customer"

This minimalist example shows the implementation of an association class with GlobalObjects.

In this case, direct references or lists are not used, but an association class which is equipped with appropriate indexes.

Documentation and download

'Bank and bank customer' documentation Code snippet 'Bank and bank customer' Download button
The dokumentation was realized with doxygen.
The texts were translated into English with the support of and

A self-watching and synchronizing class

A class whose objects monitor themselves and automatically read the new attribute values when changes are made in the database.

Documentation and download

'SelfWatchingClass' documentation Code snippet 'SelfWatchingClass' Download button
The dokumentation was realized with doxygen.
The texts were translated into English with the support of and