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An INI file still has its permissions, especially if you look at Windows with its registry;-) An INI has sections [entries in square brackets] and values (e.g.: value=1).
Class ini::File is provided for this purpose. Usually four methods are sufficient to create or read an INI file, set and determine values and store thi INI file again.

Creates a new INI file "test.ini":

ini::File * t_pIniFile = new ini::File("test.ini", ini::bCreateInifile);
Loads the INI file "test.ini" from the file system:
ini::File * t_pIniFile = new ini::File("test.ini", ini::bOpenInifile);
Writes in sektion "Section 1" the key "Key 1" with the value "Value 1":
int iRetVal = t_pIniFile->setKeyValue( "[Section 1]", "Key 1", "Value 1" );
Reads the value of the key "Key 1" from the sektion "Section 1":
std::string Value, Section( "[Section 1]" ), Key( "Key 1" );
t_iErr = t_pIniFile->getKeyValue( Value, & Section, & Key );
Stores the INI file in the file system:
int iRetVal = t_pIniFile->store();

The current version IniFile 1.0.2 is implemented in the C++ programming language and has so far been used with:

IniFile User Guides (online)
Download IniFile

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