No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CBlobThis class allows to edit a blob (insert, copy, search etc.).
 CErrorNExceptionThis exception class has an integer attribute for an error number in addition to the message.
 CFileAn INI file contains information for programs
 CKeyA variable with value possibly also in a section like "Pixel=1024". Variable and value are separated by a "=".
 CLineIs a comment line, but also superclass for Section and Key.
 CLineFactoryThis class turns lines of an INI file into objects of the types Line, Section or Key.
 CSectionA section can only appear once in an INI file, is enclosed in square brackets and usually has variables with values.
 CATDVListAbstract superclass for template lists that include a pointer to objects or objects as copies in the list.
 CAVDVListBase class for void-pointer lists
 CDVElementElement of double linked lists
 CTDVListTemplate list class for pointers to objects
 CVDVListA void-pointer list