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GloTableReaderInterface.h File Reference

Header for TableReaderInterface More...

#include <map>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <stack>
#include "GloTypes.h"
#include "GloTableInterface.h"
#include "GloRealIndexPool.h"
#include "GloTransactionIndexPool.h"
#include "GloTransactionOwner.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  glo::TableReaderInterface::AllSetObjectStrIndexIteratorItem
 Objects of this type are managed in the m_pAllSetObjectStrIndexIteratorMap to ensure that an AllSet with index can be reopened in method TableReaderInterface::setTransactionIndexPool(TransactionIndexPool*). More...
class  glo::TableReaderInterface
 An object of this class accesses tables and reads data records (Record) and binary files (eut::Blob). More...


namespace  glo

Detailed Description

Header for TableReaderInterface

Helmut Jakoby

Terms of License The source code in this file is licensed.

SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Helmut-Jakoby-Commercial-License OR LicenseRef-Helmut-Jakoby-Adapted-Prosperity-Public-License

For OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers), ISVs (Independent Software Vendors), VARs (Value Added Resellers) and other distributors who combine commercially licensed software with Software © by Helmut Jakoby and distribute it as such or in conjunction with another product and do not wish to publish the source code of the commercially licensed software under any other license that may be offered, a commercial license is available for this purpose. Please review the following information to ensure the Commercial-License requirements will be met: .

For developers of free, non-commercial software applications who want to combine and distribute their application with Software © by Helmut Jakoby, this license is a good option. Please review the following information to ensure the Adapted-Prosperity-Public-License requirements will be met: .