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TcpErr.h File Reference

For each library, here 'TcpLib' there is an error file. More...

This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  tcp


enum  tcp::ERRORS {
  tcp::ERR_WSAEINTR = -10004 , tcp::ERR_WSAEBADF = -10009 , tcp::ERR_WSAEACCES = -10013 , tcp::ERR_WSAEFAULT = -10014 ,
  tcp::ERR_WSAEINVAL = -10022 , tcp::ERR_WSAEMFILE = -10024 , tcp::ERR_WSAEWOULDBLOCK = -10035 , tcp::ERR_WSAEINPROGRESS = -10036 ,
  tcp::ERR_WSAEALREADY = -10037 , tcp::ERR_WSAENOTSOCK = -10038 , tcp::ERR_WSAEDESTADDRREQ = -10039 , tcp::ERR_WSAEMSGSIZE = -10040 ,
  tcp::ERR_WSAEOPNOTSUPP = -10045 , tcp::ERR_WSAEPFNOSUPPORT = -10046 , tcp::ERR_WSAEAFNOSUPPORT = -10047 , tcp::ERR_WSAEADDRINUSE = -10048 ,
  tcp::ERR_WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL = -10049 , tcp::ERR_WSAENETDOWN = -10050 , tcp::ERR_WSAENETUNREACH = -10051 , tcp::ERR_WSAENETRESET = -10052 ,
  tcp::ERR_WSAECONNABORTED = -10053 , tcp::ERR_WSAECONNRESET = -10054 , tcp::ERR_WSAENOBUFS = -10055 , tcp::ERR_WSAEISCONN = -10056 ,
  tcp::ERR_WSAENOTCONN = -10057 , tcp::ERR_WSAESHUTDOWN = -10058 , tcp::ERR_WSAETOOMANYREFS = -10059 , tcp::ERR_WSAETIMEDOUT = -10060 ,
  tcp::ERR_WSAECONNREFUSED = -10061 , tcp::ERR_WSAELOOP = -10062 , tcp::ERR_WSAENAMETOOLONG = -10063 , tcp::ERR_WSAEHOSTDOWN = -10064 ,
  tcp::ERR_WSAEHOSTUNREACH = -10065 , tcp::ERR_WSAENOTEMPTY = -10066 , tcp::ERR_WSAEPROCLIM = -10067 , tcp::ERR_WSAEUSERS = -10068 ,
  tcp::ERR_WSAEDQUOT = -10069 , tcp::ERR_WSAESTALE = -10070 , tcp::ERR_WSAEREMOTE = -10071 , tcp::ERR_WSASYSNOTREADY = -10091 ,
  tcp::ERR_WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED = -10092 , tcp::ERR_WSANOTINITIALISED = -10093 , tcp::ERR_WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND = -11001 , tcp::ERR_WSATRY_AGAIN = -11002 ,
  tcp::ERR_WSANO_RECOVERY = -11003 , tcp::ERR_WSANO_DATA = -11004 , tcp::ERR_PARAMETER_NULL_FORBIDDEN = -10101 , tcp::ERR_SOCKET_ALREADY_EXISTING = -10102 ,
  tcp::ERR_SOCKET_NOT_EXISTING = -10103 , tcp::ERR_NO_HOSTNAME = -10104 , tcp::ERR_UNKNOWN_HOSTNAME = -10105 , tcp::ERR_NO_PORT = -10106 ,
  tcp::ERR_ALLREADY_CONNECTED = -10107 , tcp::ERR_CONNECTION_BROKEN = -10108 , tcp::ERR_NO_DATASIZE = -10109 , tcp::ERR_MAX_CLIENTS_TO_LOW = -10110 ,
  tcp::ERR_NO_SOCKETINDEX = -10111 , tcp::ERR_WRONG_STREAMTYPE = -10112 , tcp::ERR_FREE_1 = -10113 , tcp::ERR_FREE_2 = -10114 ,
  tcp::ERR_NO_TRANSMITTER = -10115 , tcp::ERR_NO_RECEIVER = -10116 , tcp::ERR_FREE_3 = -10117 , tcp::ERR_TO_MUCH_CLIENTS = -10118 ,
  tcp::ERR_NO_CORRECT_STREAM_DATA = -10119 , tcp::ERR_NO_SERVER_MSG = -10120 , tcp::ERR_TIME_OUT = -10121 , tcp::ERR_METHOD_FORBIDDEN = -10122 ,
  tcp::ERR_GETPEERNAME_FAILED = -10123 , tcp::ERR_UNKNOWN = -10200
 Error range = -10001 to -10200 More...

Detailed Description

For each library, here 'TcpLib' there is an error file.

Helmut Jakoby

Terms of License

This file is part of the EuTcpLib module.

EuTcpLib is free software:

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

GNU Affero General Public License Usage
You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Affero General Public License requirements will be met: .