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EuStdFunctions.h File Reference

Header for StdStringFunctions More...

#include <EuToolTypes.h>
#include "EuException.h"
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <windows.h>
#include <ctime>

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  eut
namespace  eut::StdStringFunctions
 Help functions for the processing of strings.
namespace  eut::TimeFunctions
 Help functions for the processing of time.


enum  eut::StdStringFunctions::EnCoutColor {
  eut::StdStringFunctions::eCOLOR_DEFAULT = 0 , eut::StdStringFunctions::eCOLOR_BLACK = 1 , eut::StdStringFunctions::eCOLOR_BLUE = 2 , eut::StdStringFunctions::eCOLOR_GREEN = 3 ,
  eut::StdStringFunctions::eCOLOR_LIGHTBLUE = 4 , eut::StdStringFunctions::eCOLOR_RED = 5 , eut::StdStringFunctions::eCOLOR_MAGENTA = 6 , eut::StdStringFunctions::eCOLOR_YELLOW = 7 ,
  eut::StdStringFunctions::eCOLOR_LIGHTGRAY = 8 , eut::StdStringFunctions::eCOLOR_GRAY = 9 , eut::StdStringFunctions::eCOLOR_WHITE = 10
enum  eut::StdStringFunctions::EnStrPos { eut::StdStringFunctions::eBEFORE , eut::StdStringFunctions::eBEHIND , eut::StdStringFunctions::eBOTH }


__tool_export_dll void eut::StdStringFunctions::fillString (std::string &rstr, char cFillItem, std::size_t nNumber, EnStrPos ePos)
__tool_export_dll char * eut::StdStringFunctions::getFilledString (const char *pch, char cFillItem, std::size_t nNumber, EnStrPos ePos)
__tool_export_dll std::string eut::StdStringFunctions::getFilledString (const std::string &rstr, char cFillItem, std::size_t nNumber, EnStrPos ePos)
__tool_export_dll std::string eut::TimeFunctions::getMilitarySystemTime ()
__tool_export_dll std::string eut::TimeFunctions::getMilitaryTime (const std::time_t &rTime)
__tool_export_dll std::string eut::TimeFunctions::getMonth (unsigned int uiMonth)
__tool_export_dll std::string eut::TimeFunctions::getSystemTimeString (const std::string &rsFormat="%Y.%m.%d - %X")
__tool_export_dll std::time_t eut::TimeFunctions::getTime (unsigned int uiYear, unsigned int uiMonth, unsigned int uiDay, unsigned int uiHour, unsigned int uiMin, unsigned int uiSec)
__tool_export_dll std::string eut::TimeFunctions::getTimeString (const std::time_t &rTime, const std::string &rsFormat="%Y.%m.%d - %X")
__tool_export_dll bool eut::StdStringFunctions::isAnInteger (const std::string &rstr)
__tool_export_dll std::size_t eut::StdStringFunctions::replaceAll (std::string &rstrText, const char pzOriginal, const char pzNew)
__tool_export_dll std::size_t eut::StdStringFunctions::replaceAll (std::string &rstrText, std::vector< std::size_t > &rPosVector, const char pzOriginal, const char pzNew)
__tool_export_dll void eut::StdStringFunctions::resetColorConsoleCout (WORD wScreenBufferInfo)
__tool_export_dll WORD eut::StdStringFunctions::setColorConsoleCout (EnCoutColor eForeGroundColor, EnCoutColor eBackGroundColor)
__tool_export_dll std::wstring eut::StdStringFunctions::string2wstring (const std::string &rsSourceString)
template<typename T >
std::string eut::StdStringFunctions::toHexstr (const T &rValue, std::size_t hex_len=sizeof(T)<< 1)
__tool_export_dll void eut::StdStringFunctions::tokenizeString (const std::string &rstrSource, std::vector< std::string > &rTokensVector, const char &rcDelimiters=' ')
__tool_export_dll void eut::StdStringFunctions::tokenizeString (const std::string &rstrSource, std::vector< std::string > &rTokensVector, const std::string &rstrDelimiters=" ")
__tool_export_dll void eut::StdStringFunctions::tokenizeString (const std::wstring &rwsSource, std::vector< std::wstring > &rTokensVector, wchar_t wcDelimiters=L' ')
__tool_export_dll std::string eut::StdStringFunctions::wstring2string (const std::wstring &rwsSourceString)
__tool_export_dll std::string eut::StdStringFunctions::toLower (const std::string &rstr)
 Converts all uppercase letters of the passed string to lowercase.
__tool_export_dll std::wstring eut::StdStringFunctions::toLower (const std::wstring &rstr)
 Converts all uppercase letters of the passed string to lowercase.
__tool_export_dll std::string eut::StdStringFunctions::toUpper (const std::string &rstr)
 Converts all lowercase letters of the passed string to uppercase.
__tool_export_dll std::wstring eut::StdStringFunctions::toUpper (const std::wstring &rstr)
 Converts all lowercase letters of the passed string to uppercase.
__tool_export_dll void eut::StdStringFunctions::trimString (std::string &rstr, char c=' ', EnStrPos ePos=eBEFORE)
 Trim for std::string inspired by:
__tool_export_dll void eut::StdStringFunctions::trimString (std::wstring &rstr, wchar_t c=' ', EnStrPos ePos=eBEFORE)
 Trim for std::string inspired by:
__tool_export_dll bool eut::StdStringFunctions::insertIfNotAvailable (std::string &rsText, std::size_t nPos, const std::string &rsIns)
 Inserts a string at the position passed, if not already present.
__tool_export_dll bool eut::StdStringFunctions::insertIfNotAvailable (std::wstring &rsText, std::size_t nPos, const std::wstring &rsIns)
 Inserts a string at the position passed, if not already present.
__tool_export_dll std::size_t eut::StdStringFunctions::replaceAll (std::string &rsText, const std::string &rsFnd, const std::string &rsRep)
 Exchanges all searched substrings in a string with another passed string.
__tool_export_dll std::size_t eut::StdStringFunctions::replaceAll (std::wstring &rsText, const std::wstring &rsFnd, const std::wstring &rsRep)
 Exchanges all searched substrings in a string with another passed string.
__tool_export_dll bool eut::StdStringFunctions::compareWildcardString (const std::string &rsSearchString, const std::string &rsString)
 Compares two std::string's.
__tool_export_dll bool eut::StdStringFunctions::compareWildcardString (const std::wstring &rsSearchString, const std::wstring &rsString)
 Compares two std::string's.
__tool_export_dll void eut::StdStringFunctions::colorConsoleCout (const std::string &rsCoutText, EnCoutColor eForeGroundColor, EnCoutColor eBackGroundColor)
 Outputs a string to the console in color.
__tool_export_dll void eut::StdStringFunctions::colorConsoleCout (const std::wstring &rsCoutText, EnCoutColor eForeGroundColor, EnCoutColor eBackGroundColor)
 Outputs a string to the console in color.

Detailed Description

Header for StdStringFunctions

Helmut Jakoby

Terms of License

This file is part of the EuTools module.

EuTools is free software:

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

GNU Affero General Public License Usage
You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Affero General Public License requirements will be met: .