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EuFileHelper.h File Reference

Header for FileHelper More...

#include <EuToolTypes.h>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>

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class  eut::FileHelper::CallBackFileDirFount


namespace  eut
namespace  eut::FileHelper
 Helper with static methods for processing the file system.


typedef void(* eut::FileHelper::PROCESSING_DIR_MEMBERPTR) (const fs::path &rFullPathName)
typedef void(* eut::FileHelper::PROCESSING_FILE_MEMBERPTR) (const fs::path &rFullFileName)


int eut::FileHelper::_iterateDirectory (const fs::path &rIterPath, bool bRecursive, PROCESSING_FILE_MEMBERPTR ProcessingFileFunction, PROCESSING_DIR_MEMBERPTR ProcessingDirFunction, CallBackFileDirFount *pProcessingObject)
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::closeInputFile (std::ifstream *&pFileStream)
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::closeInputFile (std::wifstream *&pFileStream)
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::closeOutputFile (std::ofstream *&pFileStream)
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::closeOutputFile (std::wofstream *&pFileStream)
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::copyFile (const std::string &rsSourceFileName, const std::string &rsTargetFileName)
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::deleteFile (const fs::path &rFullFileName)
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::deleteFile (const std::string &rsFullFileName)
__tool_export_dll void eut::FileHelper::deleteFileForIterateDirectory (const fs::path &rFullFileName)
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::dirExist (const std::string &rsCheckPath)
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::dirExist (const std::wstring &rsCheckPath)
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::fileExist (const std::string &rsFullFileName)
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::fileExist (const std::wstring &rsFullFileName)
__tool_export_dll std::string eut::FileHelper::getCurrentWorkingDirAsString ()
__tool_export_dll std::wstring eut::FileHelper::getCurrentWorkingDirAsWString ()
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::iterateDirectory (const fs::path &rIterPath, bool bRecursive, CallBackFileDirFount &rProcessingObject)
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::iterateDirectory (const fs::path &rIterPath, bool bRecursive, PROCESSING_FILE_MEMBERPTR ProcessingFileFunction, PROCESSING_DIR_MEMBERPTR ProcessingDirFunction)
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::loadFile (std::string &rstr, const std::string &rsFileName)
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::lockFile (std::ofstream *&prLockFile, const std::string &rsLockFileName)
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::storeFile (const std::string &rsStr, const std::string &rsFileName)
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::storeFile (char *pszData, std::streamsize nSize, const std::string &rsFileName)
 Saves data to a file in the file system.
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::storeFile (char *pszData, std::streamsize nSize, const std::wstring &rsFileName)
 Saves data to a file in the file system.
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::storeFile (const Blob *pBlob, const std::string &rsFileName)
 Saves the contents of a blob to a file in the file system.
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::storeFile (const Blob *pBlob, const std::wstring &rsFileName)
 Saves the contents of a blob to a file in the file system.
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::storeFile (const Blob &rBlob, const std::string &rsFileName)
 Saves the contents of a blob to a file in the file system.
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::storeFile (const Blob &rBlob, const std::wstring &rsFileName)
 Saves the contents of a blob to a file in the file system.
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::loadFile (char *&prszData, std::streamsize &rnSize, const std::string &rsFileName, bool bText=false)
 Returns the content and size of a file from the file system.
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::loadFile (char *&prszData, std::streamsize &rnSize, const std::wstring &rsFileName, bool bText=false)
 Returns the content and size of a file from the file system.
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::loadFile (Blob *&prBlob, const std::string &rsFileName)
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::loadFile (Blob *&prBlob, const std::wstring &rsFileName)
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::loadFile (Blob &rBlob, const std::string &rsFileName)
 Returns the contents of a file from the file system.
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::loadFile (Blob &rBlob, const std::wstring &rsFileName)
 Returns the contents of a file from the file system.
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::openInputFile (std::ifstream *&pInputFileStream, const std::string &rsFileName)
 Returns an open file of type std::ifstream for writing to the File system.
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::openInputFile (std::ifstream *&pInputFileStream, const std::wstring &rsFileName)
 Returns an open file of type std::ifstream for writing to the File system.
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::openInputFile (std::wifstream *&pInputFileStream, const std::string &rsFileName)
 Returns an open file of type std::wifstream for writing to the File system.
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::openInputFile (std::wifstream *&pInputFileStream, const std::wstring &rsFileName)
 Returns an open file of type std::wifstream for writing to the File system.
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::openOutputFile (std::ofstream *&pOutputFileStream, const std::string &rsFileName)
 Returns an open file of type std::ofstream for reading in the file system.
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::openOutputFile (std::ofstream *&pOutputFileStream, const std::wstring &rsFileName)
 Returns an open file of type std::ofstream for reading in the file system.
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::openOutputFile (std::wofstream *&pOutputFileStream, const std::string &rsFileName)
 Returns an open file of type std::wofstream for reading in the file system.
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::openOutputFile (std::wofstream *&pOutputFileStream, const std::wstring &rsFileName)
 Returns an open file of type std::wofstream for reading in the file system.
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::makeDir (const std::string &rsNewPath)
 Creates passed directory(s).
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::makeDir (const std::wstring &rsNewPath)
 Creates passed directory(s).
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::makePath (const std::string &rsNewPath)
 Creates passed directory(s).
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::makePath (const std::wstring &rsNewPath)
 Creates passed directory(s).
__tool_export_dll void eut::FileHelper::splitPath (const std::string &rsFullFileName, std::string &rsDrive, std::string &rsPath, std::string &rsFileName, std::string &rsFileExtension)
 Expects a file name including path (e.g.
__tool_export_dll void eut::FileHelper::splitPath (const std::wstring &rsFullFileName, std::wstring &rsDrive, std::wstring &rsPath, std::wstring &rsFileName, std::wstring &rsFileExtension)
 Expects a file name including path (e.g.
__tool_export_dll void eut::FileHelper::getFullFileName (std::string &rsFullFileName, const fs::path &rFileSystemPath, const char &rSeparator='/')
 Sets the full file name in the passed string from the passed fs::path, even if it is only relative.
__tool_export_dll void eut::FileHelper::getFullFileName (std::wstring &rsFullFileName, const fs::path &rFileSystemPath, const std::wstring &rSeparator=L"/")
 Sets the full file name in the passed string from the passed fs::path, even if it is only relative.
int eut::FileHelper::_getswapDatavalue (std::string &sOutText, const std::string &sInText, const std::string &sTextOrFile)
 Helper function for swapDataInFile (...) which contains a value in a std::string which either comes from a file or as a regular expression or is determined as text.
int eut::FileHelper::_getswapDatavalue (std::string &sOutText, const std::wstring &sInText, const std::string &sTextOrFile)
 Helper function for swapDataInFile (...) which contains a value in a std::string which either comes from a file or as a regular expression or is determined as text.
__tool_export_dll int eut::FileHelper::swapDataInFile (std::vector< std::string > &rParamVector, bool bSimulate=false)
 Searches and replaces contents in files and saves them under a different name if desired.

Detailed Description

Header for FileHelper

Helmut Jakoby

Terms of License

This file is part of the EuTools module.

EuTools is free software:

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

GNU Affero General Public License Usage
You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Affero General Public License requirements will be met: .