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Für jede Bibliothek, hier 'TcpLib' gibt es eine Fehler-Datei. Mehr ...

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namespace  tcp


enum  tcp::ERRORS {
  tcp::ERR_WSAEINTR = -10004 , tcp::ERR_WSAEBADF = -10009 , tcp::ERR_WSAEACCES = -10013 , tcp::ERR_WSAEFAULT = -10014 ,
  tcp::ERR_WSAEINVAL = -10022 , tcp::ERR_WSAEMFILE = -10024 , tcp::ERR_WSAEWOULDBLOCK = -10035 , tcp::ERR_WSAEINPROGRESS = -10036 ,
  tcp::ERR_WSAEALREADY = -10037 , tcp::ERR_WSAENOTSOCK = -10038 , tcp::ERR_WSAEDESTADDRREQ = -10039 , tcp::ERR_WSAEMSGSIZE = -10040 ,
  tcp::ERR_WSAEOPNOTSUPP = -10045 , tcp::ERR_WSAEPFNOSUPPORT = -10046 , tcp::ERR_WSAEAFNOSUPPORT = -10047 , tcp::ERR_WSAEADDRINUSE = -10048 ,
  tcp::ERR_WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL = -10049 , tcp::ERR_WSAENETDOWN = -10050 , tcp::ERR_WSAENETUNREACH = -10051 , tcp::ERR_WSAENETRESET = -10052 ,
  tcp::ERR_WSAECONNABORTED = -10053 , tcp::ERR_WSAECONNRESET = -10054 , tcp::ERR_WSAENOBUFS = -10055 , tcp::ERR_WSAEISCONN = -10056 ,
  tcp::ERR_WSAENOTCONN = -10057 , tcp::ERR_WSAESHUTDOWN = -10058 , tcp::ERR_WSAETOOMANYREFS = -10059 , tcp::ERR_WSAETIMEDOUT = -10060 ,
  tcp::ERR_WSAECONNREFUSED = -10061 , tcp::ERR_WSAELOOP = -10062 , tcp::ERR_WSAENAMETOOLONG = -10063 , tcp::ERR_WSAEHOSTDOWN = -10064 ,
  tcp::ERR_WSAEHOSTUNREACH = -10065 , tcp::ERR_WSAENOTEMPTY = -10066 , tcp::ERR_WSAEPROCLIM = -10067 , tcp::ERR_WSAEUSERS = -10068 ,
  tcp::ERR_WSAEDQUOT = -10069 , tcp::ERR_WSAESTALE = -10070 , tcp::ERR_WSAEREMOTE = -10071 , tcp::ERR_WSASYSNOTREADY = -10091 ,
  tcp::ERR_WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED = -10092 , tcp::ERR_WSANOTINITIALISED = -10093 , tcp::ERR_WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND = -11001 , tcp::ERR_WSATRY_AGAIN = -11002 ,
  tcp::ERR_WSANO_RECOVERY = -11003 , tcp::ERR_WSANO_DATA = -11004 , tcp::ERR_PARAMETER_NULL_FORBIDDEN = -10101 , tcp::ERR_SOCKET_ALREADY_EXISTING = -10102 ,
  tcp::ERR_SOCKET_NOT_EXISTING = -10103 , tcp::ERR_NO_HOSTNAME = -10104 , tcp::ERR_UNKNOWN_HOSTNAME = -10105 , tcp::ERR_NO_PORT = -10106 ,
  tcp::ERR_ALLREADY_CONNECTED = -10107 , tcp::ERR_CONNECTION_BROKEN = -10108 , tcp::ERR_NO_DATASIZE = -10109 , tcp::ERR_MAX_CLIENTS_TO_LOW = -10110 ,
  tcp::ERR_NO_SOCKETINDEX = -10111 , tcp::ERR_WRONG_STREAMTYPE = -10112 , tcp::ERR_FREE_1 = -10113 , tcp::ERR_FREE_2 = -10114 ,
  tcp::ERR_NO_TRANSMITTER = -10115 , tcp::ERR_NO_RECEIVER = -10116 , tcp::ERR_FREE_3 = -10117 , tcp::ERR_TO_MUCH_CLIENTS = -10118 ,
  tcp::ERR_NO_CORRECT_STREAM_DATA = -10119 , tcp::ERR_NO_SERVER_MSG = -10120 , tcp::ERR_TIME_OUT = -10121 , tcp::ERR_METHOD_FORBIDDEN = -10122 ,
  tcp::ERR_GETPEERNAME_FAILED = -10123 , tcp::ERR_UNKNOWN = -10200
 Fehlerbereich = -10001 bis -10200 Mehr ...

Ausführliche Beschreibung

Für jede Bibliothek, hier 'TcpLib' gibt es eine Fehler-Datei.

Helmut Jakoby

Terms of License

This file is part of the EuTcpLib module.

EuTcpLib is free software:

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

GNU Affero General Public License Usage
You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Affero General Public License requirements will be met: .