![]() |
This is the complete list of members for glo::Base, including all inherited members.
abortTransaction() const | glo::Base | |
assignObject(BasePersistent *pObject) const | glo::Base | |
Base() | glo::Base | |
Base(const std::string &rstrClientName) | glo::Base | |
Base(const std::string &rstrClientName, const std::string &rstrSchemaPath, const std::string &rstrBaseName) | glo::Base | |
Base(const std::string &rstrClientName, ObjCreator &rObjCreator) | glo::Base | |
Base(const std::string &rstrServerName, const std::string &rstrClientName) | glo::Base | |
Base(const std::string &rstrServerName, const std::string &rstrClientName, int iTimeOutSec, unsigned int uiPort, const std::string &rstrSchemaPath, const std::string &rstrKnownSchemes) | glo::Base | |
Base(const std::string &rstrServerName, const std::string &rstrClientName, ObjCreator &rObjCreator) | glo::Base | |
Base(const Base &) | glo::Base | private |
beginTransaction() const | glo::Base | |
close(CallBack *pProgressNotificationCallBack=nullptr) | glo::Base | |
closeAllSet(BaseAllSet *pAllSet) const | glo::Base | |
closeBase(CallBack *pProgressNotificationCallBack=nullptr) | glo::Base | |
commitTransaction() const | glo::Base | |
compressBase(const std::string &rstrBaseName, CallBack *pProgressNotificationCallBack=nullptr) | glo::Base | |
compressBase(CallBack *pProgressNotificationCallBack=nullptr) | glo::Base | |
connect(CallBack *pServerCrashNotificationCallBack=nullptr) | glo::Base | |
deleteObject(BasePersistent *pObject, EnDeepMode eDeepMode) const | glo::Base | |
deleteObjects(const std::vector< glo::ObjID > &rObjectIDs, EnDeepMode eDeepMode=glo::DM_SHALLOW) const | glo::Base | |
disconnect() | glo::Base | |
EmbeddedRecordAttribute class | glo::Base | friend |
getAllBases(std::vector< std::string > *&prRetValVector) const | glo::Base | |
getAllClassInfosFromBase(std::map< unsigned long, ClassInfo *, std::less< unsigned long > > *&prAllClassInfoMap, const std::string &rstrBaseName="") const | glo::Base | |
getAllClassInfosFromBase(std::map< unsigned long, std::shared_ptr< ClassInfo >, std::less< unsigned long > > &rAllClassInfoMap, const std::string &rstrBaseName="") const | glo::Base | |
getAllLoggedClients(std::vector< ClientInfo > &rClientInfoVector, const std::string &rstrBaseName="") const | glo::Base | |
getAllSubClassInfos(std::map< unsigned long, ClassInfo *, std::less< unsigned long > > *&prSubClassInfoMap, unsigned long ulClassID, const std::string &rstrBaseName="") const | glo::Base | |
getAllSubClassInfos(std::map< unsigned long, std::shared_ptr< ClassInfo >, std::less< unsigned long > > &rSubClassInfoMap, unsigned long ulClassID, const std::string &rstrBaseName="") const | glo::Base | |
getAllSuperClassInfos(std::map< unsigned long, ClassInfo *, std::less< unsigned long > > *&prSuperClassInfoMap, unsigned long ulClassID, const std::string &rstrBaseName="") const | glo::Base | |
getAllSuperClassInfos(std::map< unsigned long, std::shared_ptr< ClassInfo >, std::less< unsigned long > > &rBaseClassInfoMap, unsigned long ulClassID, const std::string &rstrBaseName="") const | glo::Base | |
getAnObject(BasePersistent *&prObject, const ObjID &rObjID, bool bGeneric=false) const | glo::Base | |
getAnObject(std::shared_ptr< BasePersistent > &rObject, const ObjID &rObjID, bool bGeneric=false) const | glo::Base | |
getBaseCount(std::vector< std::string >::size_type &rBaseCount) const | glo::Base | |
getBaseID() const | glo::Base | |
getBaseName() const | glo::Base | |
getClassInfo(ClassInfo *&prClassInfo, unsigned long ulClassID, const std::string &rstrBaseName="") const | glo::Base | |
getClassInfo(std::shared_ptr< ClassInfo > &rRetVal, unsigned long ulClassID, const std::string &rstrBaseName="") const | glo::Base | |
getClassInfo(ClassInfo *&prClassInfo, const std::string &rstrClassName, const std::string &rstrBaseName="") const | glo::Base | |
getClassInfo(std::shared_ptr< ClassInfo > &rRetVal, const std::string &rstrClassName, const std::string &rstrBaseName="") const | glo::Base | |
getClassInfoCount(std::map< unsigned long, ClassInfo *, std::less< unsigned long > >::size_type &rClassInfoCount, const std::string &rstrBaseName="") const | glo::Base | |
getClientName() const | glo::Base | |
getCommunicatorID() const | glo::Base | |
getDbIniName() const | glo::Base | |
getDefaultLimits(std::vector< LimitRecord > *&prRetValVector) const | glo::Base | |
getGenPersObjectSpy() | glo::Base | |
getIndexedObjIdsFromAllSet(std::vector< glo::ObjID > &rObjIDContainer, const BaseAllSet &rAllSet, const std::string &rsIndexSearchValue, EnQueryType eQuerryType) const | glo::Base | |
getIndexedObjIdsFromAllSet(std::vector< glo::ObjID > &rObjIDContainer, const BaseAllSet &rAllSet, const std::string &rsIndexName, unsigned long ulIndexClassID, const std::string &rsIndexSearchValue, EnQueryType eQuerryType) const | glo::Base | |
getIndexedObjIdsFromAllSet(std::vector< glo::ObjID > &rObjIDContainer, const BaseAllSet &rAllSet, const std::string &rsIndexSearchValue, EnComparisionOp eComparisionOp) const | glo::Base | |
getIndexedObjIdsFromAllSet(std::vector< glo::ObjID > &rObjIDContainer, const BaseAllSet &rAllSet, const std::string &rsIndexName, unsigned long ulIndexClassID, const std::string &rsIndexSearchValue, EnComparisionOp eComparisionOp) const | glo::Base | |
getIndexedObjIdsFromAllSet(std::vector< glo::ObjID > &rObjIDContainer, const BaseAllSet &rAllSet, const std::string &rsRangeStartIndexSearchValue, const std::string &rsRangeEndIndexSearchValue) const | glo::Base | |
getIndexedObjIdsFromAllSet(std::vector< glo::ObjID > &rObjIDContainer, const BaseAllSet &rAllSet, const std::string &rsIndexName, unsigned long ulIndexClassID, const std::string &rsRangeStartIndexSearchValue, const std::string &rsRangeEndIndexSearchValue) const | glo::Base | |
getKnownSchemes(std::vector< std::string > &rRetVal) | glo::Base | |
getLimits(LimitRecord *&prLimitRecord, const ClassInfoAttribute::Type &rClassInfoAttributeType) const | glo::Base | |
getLimits(std::shared_ptr< LimitRecord > &rLimitRecord, const ClassInfoAttribute::Type &rClassInfoAttributeType) const | glo::Base | |
getObjectFromAllSet(ObjID &rObjID, BasePersistent *&prObject, const BaseAllSet &rAllSet, EnSeekMode eMode, bool bGeneric=false) const | glo::Base | |
getObjectMaker() | glo::Base | |
getObjIdFromAllSet(ObjID &rObjID, const BaseAllSet &rAllSet, EnSeekMode eMode) const | glo::Base | |
getPersObjectSpy() | glo::Base | |
getPort(unsigned int &ruiPort) | glo::Base | |
getPrivateBase() const | glo::Base | protected |
getProcessingPossibilities(const ObjID &rObjId, LockPossibleSpecification &rLockPossibleSpecification, EnDeepMode eDeepMode) const | glo::Base | |
getRecord(Record *&prRecord, const ObjID &rObjID, unsigned long ulClassID) const | glo::Base | |
getRecord(std::shared_ptr< Record > &rRecord, const ObjID &rObjID, unsigned long ulClassID) const | glo::Base | |
getRootClassInfo(ClassInfo *&prRootClassInfo, const std::string &rstrBaseName="") const | glo::Base | |
getRootClassInfo(std::shared_ptr< ClassInfo > &rRootClassInfo, const std::string &rstrBaseName="") const | glo::Base | |
getSchemaNameWithPath(std::string &rstrRetVal) | glo::Base | |
getSchemaPath(std::string &rstrRetVal) | glo::Base | |
getServerName() const | glo::Base | |
getSizeFromAllSet(std::size_t &rnSize, const BaseAllSet &rAllSet) const | glo::Base | |
getSubClassInfos(std::map< unsigned long, ClassInfo *, std::less< unsigned long > > *&prSubClassInfoMap, unsigned long ulClassID, const std::string &rstrBaseName="") const | glo::Base | |
getSubClassInfos(std::map< unsigned long, std::shared_ptr< ClassInfo >, std::less< unsigned long > > &rSubClassInfoMap, unsigned long ulClassID, const std::string &rstrBaseName="") const | glo::Base | |
getSuperClassInfos(std::map< unsigned long, ClassInfo *, std::less< unsigned long > > *&prSuperClassInfoMap, unsigned long ulClassID, const std::string &rstrBaseName="") const | glo::Base | |
getSuperClassInfos(std::map< unsigned long, std::shared_ptr< ClassInfo >, std::less< unsigned long > > &rBaseClassInfoMap, unsigned long ulClassID, const std::string &rstrBaseName="") const | glo::Base | |
getTimeOutSec(int &riTimeOutSec) | glo::Base | |
getTransactionLevel() const | glo::Base | |
indexAvailable(const std::string &rsIndexName, unsigned long ulClassID, const std::string &rstrBaseName="") const | glo::Base | |
isConnected() const | glo::Base | |
isInTransaction() const | glo::Base | |
isKnownClassID(bool &rbRetVal, unsigned long ulClassID, const std::string &rstrBaseName="") const | glo::Base | |
isLockedObject(const ObjID &rObjId, EnLockMode eLockMode, EnDeepMode eDeepMode) const | glo::Base | |
isOpen() const | glo::Base | |
isPossible(const ObjID &rObjId, bool bRead, bool bWrite, bool bDelete, EnDeepMode eDeepMode) const | glo::Base | |
isStoredObject(bool &rbRetVal, BasePersistent *pObject) const | glo::Base | |
isSuperClassFrom(bool &rbRetVal, unsigned long ulClassIDSuperClass, unsigned long ulClassIDSubClass, const std::string &rstrBaseName="") const | glo::Base | |
lockLot(const BaseLot &rObjIdLot, EnLockMode eLockMode, EnDeepMode eDeepMode) const | glo::Base | |
lockObject(const ObjID &rObjId, EnLockMode eLockMode, EnDeepMode eDeepMode) const | glo::Base | |
lockObjectAndRefresh(BasePersistent *pObject, EnLockMode eLockMode, EnDeepMode eDeepMode) const | glo::Base | |
lockObjIdList(std::list< ObjID > *pObjIDList, EnLockMode eLockMode, EnDeepMode eDeepMode) const | glo::Base | |
m_LocalCriticalSection | glo::Base | private |
m_pOpenedDatabases | glo::Base | private |
m_spPrivateBase | glo::Base | private |
notifyAsWritten(const std::list< ObjID > &rObjIDList) const | glo::Base | |
ObjectMaker class | glo::Base | friend |
objIDInAllSet(const ObjID &rObjID, const BaseAllSet &rAllSet) const | glo::Base | |
open(const std::string &rstrBaseName, CallBack *pProgressNotificationCallBack=nullptr) | glo::Base | |
openAllSet(BaseAllSet *pAllSet) const | glo::Base | |
openBase(CallBack *pProgressNotificationCallBack=nullptr, CallBack *pServerCrashNotificationCallBack=nullptr) | glo::Base | |
openBaseComfortably(CallBack *pProgressNotificationCallBack=nullptr, CallBack *pServerCrashNotificationCallBack=nullptr) | glo::Base | |
operator=(const Base &) | glo::Base | private |
Persistent class | glo::Base | friend |
reconnect(CallBack *pServerCrashNotificationCallBack=nullptr) | glo::Base | |
refreshObject(BasePersistent *pObject) const | glo::Base | |
reindexBase(const std::string &rstrBaseName, CallBack *pProgressNotificationCallBack=nullptr) | glo::Base | |
reindexBase(CallBack *pProgressNotificationCallBack=nullptr) | glo::Base | |
relockObject(const ObjID &rObjId, EnLockMode eLockMode, EnDeepMode eDeepMode) const | glo::Base | |
relockObjectAndRefresh(BasePersistent *pObject, EnLockMode eLockMode, EnDeepMode eDeepMode) const | glo::Base | |
removeIndexFilter(const BaseAllSet &rAllSet) const | glo::Base | |
repairBase(const std::string &rstrBaseName, CallBack *pProgressNotificationCallBack=nullptr) | glo::Base | |
repairBase(CallBack *pProgressNotificationCallBack=nullptr) | glo::Base | |
rollBackTransaction() const | glo::Base | |
setBaseName(const std::string &rstrBaseName) | glo::Base | |
setClientName(const std::string &rstrClientName) | glo::Base | |
setCurrentObjectInAllSet(const ObjID &rObjID, const BaseAllSet &rAllSet) const | glo::Base | |
setDbIniName(const std::string &rstrDbIniName) | glo::Base | |
setIndexFilter(const BaseAllSet &rAllSet, const std::string &rsIndexFilter) const | glo::Base | |
setIndexFilter(const BaseAllSet &rAllSet, const std::string &rsIndexFilter, EnComparisionOp eComparisionOp) const | glo::Base | |
setIndexFilter(const BaseAllSet &rAllSet, const std::string &rsRangeStartIndexFilter, const std::string &rsRangeEndIndexFilter) const | glo::Base | |
setKnownSchemes(const std::string &rstrKnownSchemes) | glo::Base | |
setPositionInAllSet(std::size_t nPosition, const BaseAllSet &rAllSet) const | glo::Base | |
setSchemaPath(const std::string &rstrSchemaPath) | glo::Base | |
setWatchClass(unsigned long ulClassID, TdWatchNotifyMode ulWatchMode, CallBack *pCallBack) const | glo::Base | |
setWatchClient(TdWatchNotifyMode ulWatchMode, CallBack *pCallBack) const | glo::Base | |
setWatchIndex(TdWatchNotifyMode ulWatchMode, CallBack *pCallBack) const | glo::Base | |
setWatchLot(const BaseLot &rObjIdLot, TdWatchNotifyMode ulWatchMode, EnDeepMode eDeepMode, CallBack *pCallBack) const | glo::Base | |
setWatchObject(const ObjID &rObjId, TdWatchNotifyMode ulWatchMode, EnDeepMode eDeepMode, CallBack *pCallBack) const | glo::Base | |
setWatchServer(CallBack *pCallBack) const | glo::Base | |
storeObject(BasePersistent *pObject, EnDeepMode eDeepMode) const | glo::Base | |
unlockLot(const BaseLot &rObjIdLot, EnLockMode eLockMode, EnDeepMode eDeepMode) const | glo::Base | |
unlockObject(const ObjID &rObjId, EnLockMode eLockMode, EnDeepMode eDeepMode) const | glo::Base | |
unlockObjIdList(std::list< ObjID > *pObjIDList, EnLockMode eLockMode, EnDeepMode eDeepMode) const | glo::Base | |
unsetWatchClass(unsigned long ulClassID, TdWatchNotifyMode ulWatchMode, CallBack *pCallBack) const | glo::Base | |
unsetWatchClient(TdWatchNotifyMode ulWatchMode, CallBack *pCallBack) const | glo::Base | |
unsetWatchIndex(TdWatchNotifyMode ulWatchMode, CallBack *pCallBack) const | glo::Base | |
unsetWatchLot(const BaseLot &rObjIdLot, TdWatchNotifyMode ulWatchMode, EnDeepMode eDeepMode, CallBack *pCallBack) const | glo::Base | |
unsetWatchObject(const ObjID &rObjId, TdWatchNotifyMode ulWatchMode, EnDeepMode eDeepMode, CallBack *pCallBack) const | glo::Base | |
~Base() | glo::Base | virtual |