Header for ClassInfoAttribute and ClassInfoAttribute::Type
For each library, here 'GlobalObjects' there is a type file.
#define __glo_export_dll
Definition GloTypes.h:70
Summarized type information for a ClassInfoAttribute.
Definition GloClassInfoAttribute.h:108
In objects of this class the min and max values of supported data types and their field lengths are t...
Definition GloLimitRecord.h:71
A wrapper around static functions which provide limitations on record attributes.
Definition GloLimits.h:87
__glo_export_dll LimitRecord getDefaultLimits(EnDataType eDataType)
__glo_export_dll LimitRecord getLimits(const ClassInfoAttribute::Type &rDataType)
__glo_export_dll void getAllDefaultLimits(std::vector< LimitRecord > &rLimitVector)
Definition GloAbstractBaseLot.h:49
Definition GloRecordAttributeTypes.h:558