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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Cglo::CallBackSuperclass for the classes that are 'connected' to a Base
 Cglo::AbstractBaseLotThe base class for container with persistent objects.
 Cglo::BaseAllSetIs the base class of template AllSets and the generic AllSet
 Cglo::TAllSet< T >AllSet, which returns objects from the database
 Cglo::BasePersistentAbstract base class for Persistent and the generic GenericPersistent
 Cglo::PersistentThe base class of the persistent classes. All persistent classes must be derived from this class to be able to process their objects in the database
 CSelfWatchingClassExample of a self-observing class that reloads its persistent attributes from the database by calling refresh(), when other instances has change them.
 Cglo::ReferenceThe base class of a reference attribute from persistent objects to other persistent objects in the database.
 Cglo::TOndemand< T >A reference (as attribute) of a persistent object to another persistent object in the database
 Cglo::BaseAllSet::IndexNameClassIdTupleTuple of IndexName and the class ID of the indexed class.
 Cglo::ObjCreatorAbstract superclass for instantiation functions of persistent classes. From this class a subclass is derived for each database from a schema, which can instantiate persistent objects from the class IDs
 Cglo::ObjID An object ID consists of the class ID, a database ID and the actual unique object number (all unsigned long)